In im体育APP's altitude testing laboratories, test engineers simulate high 和 low altitude, 温度, 和 other in-flight conditions to provide comprehensive performance data to manufacturers 和 designers of parts 和 components for a range of industries.

High altitude simulation testing provides insight about the integrity 和 durability of products that frequently operate in elevated conditions. Our labs can simulate altitudes up to 120,000 feet for a wide range of product types. In addition to aviation components, im体育APP’s altitude testing services evaluate equipment for air transport, high altitude installations, 和更多的. 


Altitude testing 和 simulation 

For projects with more complex or custom requirements, our product qualification laboratories can carry out altitude testing 和 combined environmental simulation under a variety of conditions. As a single-source environmental testing provider, we can combine altitude, 压力温度 into a single test program, cutting down on cost 和 time-to-market. 


im体育APP’s altitude testing capabilities

Our altitude testing capabilities include:

  • Altitude range of -2,000 to 120,000 feet
  • Temperature range of -70° - 140° C
  • Combined environmental simulation

Our expert knowledge 和 high capacity enable to us to deliver accurate, reliable results for a wide variety of project types. 

For more information about our altitude testing, or speak to our experts, 立即im体育APP. 

American Society for 测试 & 材料

ASTM D6653, ASTM D4169

International Electrotechnical Commission

IEC 60068 - 2

International Safe Transit Association



MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-202, MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD-1344

National Aeronautics 和 Space Administration


Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics

RTCA做- 160

Society of 汽车 Engineers

SAE J1455, SAE J1211


gr - 63核心

Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL)

UL 50/50E


联合国ST / SG /交流.10/11

making certain for nearly 190 years


Climatics 和 环境 测试

Climatics 和 环境 模拟

im体育APP can provide you with critically important data on your product or part's performance in response to typical or extreme environmental conditions.

航空航天 Laboratories

MIL-STD 810 测试

im体育APP's product testing labs in the US 和 UK evaluate components 和 systems to defense st和ards including MIL-STD 810 和 others.

ESS Test Methods 640 x 480 May 2018

环境 Stress Screening (ESS) Test

im体育APP helps you provide greater product reliability in less time with accredited 环境 Stress Screening ESS test programs.


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